Election Candidates

Find out more about your Guild election candidates below! 

Sayaka Takagi

As a student with a passion for pursuing a career in counselling, I am eager to take on the role of the Student Guild Board to represent the voices of our student community. Aside from academics, I am an active member of our university's cheer and dance team, which has helped me to build not only teamwork and leadership abilities, but also a strong sense of kinship among fellow students. My genuine love for making a positive impact on the lives of others, and I find joy in spreading love, support, and creating a sense of belonging within our student body. I firmly believe that a warm smile has the power to brighten anyone’s day, and I am dedicated to bringing that positivity to the forefront of our campus life. I am committed to being a strong, compassionate voice for students, working relentlessly to ensure that their concerns are heard, and their experiences on campus are enriched. I am enthusiastic about serving as a voice for students and fostering a thriving, inclusive university community.

Yug Lathiya

This opportunity allows me to use my talents and expertise to benefit our student community. My nomination is motivated first and foremost by my desire to have a good effect on the student body. I am certain that through serving on the Board, I will be able to actively contribute to improving the student experience and maintaining a lively and welcoming campus atmosphere. Volunteering with student guild has enabled me to listen, understand and experience student concerns. I am driven to advocate for student's various interests and requirements, ensuring that their voices are heard and their issues are handled. I have constantly showed outstanding leadership talents throughout my academic career. I have actively participated in extracurricular activities, holding various positions of responsibility such as organizing student events, directing teams, and advocating for issues affecting students. These experiences have sharpened my communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities, which I believe are essential for effective board service. Furthermore, my capacity to adapt to changing settings and my openness to new ideas qualify me for the Board. I am not just open to input, but actively seek it out, understanding the value of ongoing development and progress. I am dedicated to preserving the Student Guild's values and purpose by thriving with integrity, transparency, and fairness.

Tyson Holmes

I am nominating as a board member as, although my term is up, I am not done doing what I can for the students of the Gold Coast. We as a community have come so far in just a short time and I am so proud to be involved. Whether or not I am elected back on the board I will continue to be apart of the community and continue to do my best to support it.

Martin Skok

I have volunteered for the Student Guild in multiple capacities as well as working in different roles and industries over my working career. I have also volunteered in school P&Cs as my wife and I have four children, one with multiple disabilities. I have multiple skills and experiences from a broad spectrum of life as well as the understanding of what it means to volunteer for organisations. I would also bring a different perspective to the Board as I am a mature age student in my early 50s. I believe in giving back and doing the best I can in anything I undertake and would bring that energy to a position on the Board. I believe the Board would benefit from my experience and I will also learn a lot from others that are involved.

Tamana Mittal

I am a Master of Business student at Griffith University, Gold Coast, seeking the position of Student Guild board member. I believe in active student participation and its positive impact on our community. My background in leadership, communication, empathy, and adaptability equips me to represent diverse student interests effectively. As an international student, I understand unique challenges, and my experience has honed my time management and problem-solving skills. For me, being socially involved is at par with professional commitments so being able to multi-task and be on top of things becomes a priority for me. This role will help me work in a team made for the students and by the students which would enable me to give back to the university. My goal is to empower student voices, create a more inclusive campus, and advocate for students' needs. I invite the university community to join me in this transformative journey to enhance the student experience. Your consideration of my nomination is greatly appreciated.

Sarah McDonald

My name is Sarah McDonald, I’m currently in my 5th year studying a double degree in Psychological Science/Masters of Mental Health Practice. I've been volunteering for the Student Guild since 2019 which has shaped my university experience in the most significant way. I have held a position on the board since 2019, in which time I held the Vice President and President position. During my time as President I collaborated with the board to introduce 24/7 library access. I am re-nominating for a position on the board to continue improving student life and making a different here at Griffith.

Natalia Drazek

I’m an Environmental Science/Business student who wants to join the Student Guild Board to represent and advocate for the student voice. I have a strong academic record, a scholarship, and an internship as an Environmental Scientist at South Queensland Environmental Expertise and Services. I have also shown leadership and community service through various roles, such as Retention Task Force Student Representative, Vice-School Captain, Executive Cultural Pillar Leader, and Patrol Surf Lifesaver Volunteer. I have developed skills in networking, teamwork, communication, problem solving, and leadership that would help me be an effective board member. I would listen to the feedback and suggestions from my fellow students and work with other board members and stakeholders to implement actions that would improve the student experience at Griffith University. I would also respect the opinions of others and seek constructive solutions. I’m confident that I have the passion, skills, and experience to be a valuable addition to the Student Guild Board. I would appreciate your consideration of my nomination. Thank you for your time and attention.


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